Extremely close ACE RUN! ⛓ Jake is determined to ace this hole. Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course, Knoxville, TN ⛓ Hole 10 Kastaplast Kaxe #frisbeesport #playdiscgolf #kastaplast
Knoxville Disc Golf
Nice looking play for birdie. 🐦 #birdie #discgolflove #discgolflife #frolf #frisbeegolf #discgolf
Nice looking play for birdie. The Claytons Disc Golf Course, Maryville, TN. ⛓ Hole 10. Kastaplast Glow Göte.
Parking the basket with the Kaxe Z. 🤩 #discgolfshorts #discgolfer #frolf #discgolf #birdie #parked
Parking the basket with the Kaxe Z. Norris Disc Golf Course, Norris, TN. ⛓ Hole 8. Kastaplast Kaxe Z. #discgolfing #frisbeesport #frisbeegolf.
Soaring ace run with a Reko X for Adam. ⚡️#acerun #discgolfshorts #discgolf #frolf #discgolfing
Rising ace keep up a Reko X for Adam. ⚡. Tommy Schumpert Park Disc Golf Course, Knoxville, TN. ⛓ Hole 9. @kastaplast Reko X. #frisbeesport #frisbeegolf #frisbeegolfing.
Easy forehand birdie. #discgolfshorts #discgolfdaily #discgolf #frolf #discgolfeveryday #birdie
Easy forehand birdie on opening 12 at Tommy Schumpert Disc Fairway in Knoxville, TN. #captainsraptor #discgolfnerd #frisbeegolfing
Jake’s first tournament went like… Ended up +28. #discgolfshorts #discgolf #discgolfdaily #frolf
Jake’s initial competition went like … Wound up +28 for his division, yet really did not been available in last. The 2024 Knoxville Ice Bowl was played at Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course and Víctor […]
Jonathan parking discs all over Norris DGC. #discgolf #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfnation #frisbee
Jonathan vehicle parking discs around Norris DGC. Norris Disc Golf Course lies in Norris, TN. #discgolfnation #discgolfing #discgolfshorts
Putting around the baseball stadium. #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfnation #frolf
Placing around the baseball stadium compilation. This went to the Tennessee Smokies Stadium for the Discs on the Diamond occasion. This event was at the Tennessee Smokies Stadium in Sevierville, TN. #discgolfputt #discgolfshorts #discgolfnerd
Stop motion disc golf. #discgolf #frolf #discgolfnation #discgolfdaily #frisbeegolf #discgolfnerd
Stop activity disc golf at The Claytons in Maryville, TN. #discgolfing #frisbeegolfing #shorts
Pickle on fire at Tommy Schumpert. 🔥 #discgolfshorts #discgolfdaily #frolf #discgolfeveryday
Pickle ablaze at Tommy Schumpert. He was auto parking discs and obtaining those putts. This was at Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfing #frisbeegolf #frisbeegolfing