The Cicada never ever also got had a possibility. Crikey! Manley Elementary Disc Golf Course, Morristown, TN ⛓ Hole 7 @discraftdiscgolf Cicada #frisbeesport #discgolfon #discgolfhighlights
The Cicada never ever also got had a possibility. Crikey! Manley Elementary Disc Golf Course, Morristown, TN ⛓ Hole 7 @discraftdiscgolf Cicada #frisbeesport #discgolfon #discgolfhighlights
When placing fails in disc golf. This is simply an amusing video clip from us playing at Norris Disc Golf Program in Norris, TN. #discgolffails #failvideos #discgolfshorts
When you toss too quick. This got on opening 10 at Cherokee Park Disc Fairway in Morristown, TN. #frisbeegolfing #discgolflove #discgolfnerd
When you’re committed to the putt. This was on hole 9 at Cherokee Park Disc Golf Course in Morristown, TN. Jake obtained the bird. #discgolffails #discgolfeveryday #discgolfislife
https://youtube.com/watch?v=hHKHEQtHp3s GOLF not FROLF Discord: https://discord.gg/Pg4jy3JA Twitter Deev: https://twitter.com/realDeev Twitch: Shiver: https://www.twitch.tv/realdeev
Merry Christmas from Hitting Chains! May your day be full of whole lots of enjoyable with excellent memories made. Possibly you’ll also be able to press a round in? #frisbeegolf #discgolffails #discgolfnerd
Trees do hit back in disc golf. This one slapped the ODDGRIP G1 down. #oddgripg 1 #oddgrip #discgolftree
There are rounds of disc golf that make you feel like you aren’t suggested to shine. You’re welcome for SHINING! It has been a rough week with the trees.
Disc Golf Opening In One/ Ace Emphasizes Collection 2021 Complete round protection of the highlighted clips can be found in the web links listed here. * Always sharing the current disc golf information, historic minutes, […]
Despite the fact that some don’t make their putt, right here are some insanely great and also far disc golf drives that we will most likely never see happen once more. * Always sharing the […]