Putting around the baseball stadium. #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfnation #frolf

Placing around the baseball stadium compilation. This went to the Tennessee Smokies Stadium for the Discs on the Diamond occasion. This event was at the Tennessee Smokies Stadium in Sevierville, TN. #discgolfputt #discgolfshorts #discgolfnerd

Awesome throws on a beautiful day! #discgolf #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfnerd #discgolfcourse

Jonathan had some wonderful throws and was parking discs at Victor Dust Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, Tennessee. #frisbeegolf #hittingchains #discgolfthrows

Parking the basket for an easy birdie. 🐤 #discgolfshorts #discgolf #birdie #frolf #frisbeegolf

Parking the basket for a very easy birdie. Sugar Hollow Disc Golf Course, Bristol, VA. ⛓ Hole 13. Kastaplast Göte. #frisbeesport #frisbeegolfing #discgolfing.

10 Things Disc Golfers Never Say #discgolf #frolf #golf #shorts #shortsvideo #golfer

Disc golf players vary from ball golfers in lots of respects. Make videos making use of AI fast similar to this one at the web link below; https://invideo.sjv.io/c/4762793/1944654/12258 1. Shall we lease a cart? 2. […]

What an awesome birdie?! 🕊️ #discgolfshorts #birdie #discgolf #frisbeegolfing #playdiscgolf #frolf

What an incredible birdie?!. Kiwanis Disc Golf Course, Morristown, TN. ⛓ Hole 11. Discraft Captain’s Raptor Z Flx Jawbreaker. #frisbeesport #captainsraptor #discgolfer.

LAT 64 PROJECT GRIP UNBOXING + 1st Impressions [and more]

Main Network (@bodanzadiscgolf) – https://youtube.com/c/bodanzadiscgolf Associate links (get via these links to support me (pls)!. 0:00 – Intro & Birdie Disc Golf Supply. 5:00 – Latitude 64 Project Grip Unboxing. Disc Golf Gear:. Ideal Disc […]

Disc Golf Doubles at Bear Branch Sportsfield Park – B9

Cory and his brother Bo sign up with Sean and I in a casual increases round at Bear Branch Sportsfield Park, in The Woodlands, Texas! This is the Back 9. Front 9: https://youtu.be/TNLPTQWXZUA If you […]

Adam wanted this birdie real bad. #discgolf #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolflife #discgolfeveryday

Adam truly wanted this birdie on hole 8 at Frank Lorino Disc Golf Links in Morristown, Tennessee. He had an excellent perform at it using his soft Kastaplast Berg.