Sometimes Putting be like that. #discgolfshorts #discgolf #discgolffails #discgolfdaily #frolf

Occasionally Putting resemble that. If you’re close to the fundamental, also. This was Hole 18 at Cherokee Park. #discgolfeveryday #discgolfputt #discgolfing

When putting goes wrong in disc golf. #discgolfing #discgolfislife #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolf

When placing fails in disc golf. This is simply an amusing video clip from us playing at Norris Disc Golf Program in Norris, TN. #discgolffails #failvideos #discgolfshorts

Jonathan getting ready for the Tommy Schumpert Open. #discgolf #discgolfer #discgolfdaily #frolf

On the 4th of July all of us went out and played a round at Tommy Schumpert Park Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, TN. Jonathan is preparing for the 2022 Tommy Schumpert Open, so it […]

You CAN’T park there! #discgolf #discgolfdaily #frolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfeveryday #discgolfnation

You CAN’T park there! Sometimes in disc golf your disc ends up where you don’t desire it it. This went to Roane County Park DGC in Harriman, TN. #discgolfputt #discgolfhumor #discgolfnerd

Pickle on fire at Tommy Schumpert. 🔥 #discgolfshorts #discgolfdaily #frolf #discgolfeveryday

Pickle ablaze at Tommy Schumpert. He was auto parking discs and obtaining those putts. This was at Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfing #frisbeegolf #frisbeegolfing

Jonathan liking the way those chains sound when getting birdies. #frolf #discgolf #discgolfdaily

Jonathan suching as the means those chains sound when getting birdies. This is at Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfeveryday #birdie #frisbeegolf

Adam throwing on hole 11 at Tommy Schumpert DGC. #discgolfing #frolf #discgolfnation #frisbeegolf

Adam tossing on hole 11 at Tommy Schumpert Disc Fairway in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfdaily #discgolfshorts #discgolfcourse

BIRDIE! Get your disc golf birdie! #discgolf #frolf #birdie #discgolfeveryday #discgolfnation

BIRDIE! Obtain your birdie on opening 8 at Tommy Schumpert Disc Gold Course in Knoxville, TN. Adam had this amazing toss on this opening. #discgolfbirdie #frisbee #discgolflife

Great drives and awesome putts from Scott at Kiwanis DGC. #discgolf #frolf #discgolflove #discgolfer

Fantastic drives and outstanding putts from Scott at Kiwanis DGC. Kiwanis Disc Golf Course is located in Morristown, TN. #discgolfdrive #discgolfputt #discgolfunited