Kastaplast Lots glides on the water. #kastaplast #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfeveryday #frolf

When your disc walks on water. Jake’s Kastaplast Lots disc glided and struck the water on top of the water to safety close to the basket. Jake states this is most likely his favored throw […]

Gotta get over this ravine on this disc golf course hole! #discgolf #discgolfdaily #frolf

Hoke 9 at Kiwanis Disc Golf Course in Morristown, Tennessee. You got ta overcome the ravine which Adam typically does. The issue comes when you strike any one of the trees around it. Adam is […]

Smooth sailing for that disc through the trees. #discgolf #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfeveryday

Plain sailing for that disc via the trees. This went to Tommy Schumpert Disc Gold Course in Knoxville, TN. #tennesseediscgolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfing

Jonathan getting ready for the Tommy Schumpert Open. #discgolf #discgolfer #discgolfdaily #frolf

On the 4th of July all of us went out and played a round at Tommy Schumpert Park Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, TN. Jonathan is preparing for the 2022 Tommy Schumpert Open, so it […]

Jonathan liking the way those chains sound when getting birdies. #frolf #discgolf #discgolfdaily

Jonathan suching as the means those chains sound when getting birdies. This is at Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfeveryday #birdie #frisbeegolf

Adam throwing on hole 11 at Tommy Schumpert DGC. #discgolfing #frolf #discgolfnation #frisbeegolf

Adam tossing on hole 11 at Tommy Schumpert Disc Fairway in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfdaily #discgolfshorts #discgolfcourse

BIRDIE! Get your disc golf birdie! #discgolf #frolf #birdie #discgolfeveryday #discgolfnation

BIRDIE! Obtain your birdie on opening 8 at Tommy Schumpert Disc Gold Course in Knoxville, TN. Adam had this amazing toss on this opening. #discgolfbirdie #frisbee #discgolflife

A gorgeous backhand curved throw from Jonathan! #discgolfer #frolf #discgolfeveryday #discgolfdaily

A beautiful throw by Jonathan on opening 6 at Tommy Schumpert Disc Fairway in Knoxville, TN. This backhand toss bent perfectly! #frisbeegolf #discgolf #frisbeegolf

Going Full Tilt on hole 1 at Norris DGC. #discgolfing #fulltilt #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfdaily

Jonathan going Complete Tilt on opening 1. This is at Norris Disc Golf Links in Norris, TN. #discgolfshorts #discgolfeveryday #discgolfcourse

That tree really told my disc golf SITDOWN. #discgolf #frolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfdaily #discgolfer

It is crazy just how this tree limb just created Jake’s disc to come to a period. Jake tossed his ODDGRIP G1 and the tree stated take a seat. This is hole 15 at Kiwanis […]