New boot goofin’ on the tee pad leads to an awesome throw! 🤣 #discgolf #frolf #frisbeegolf #sports

New boot goofin’ on the tee pad results in a remarkable throw!. Frank Lorino Park Disc Golf Course, Morristown, TN. ⛓ Hole 5. #frisbeesport #discgolfhumor #discgolfdaily.

Jake taking the most localist local route that it’s a country road! 🤠 #discgolf #frisbeegolf #frolf

Jake taking the most localist regional path that it’s a country road!. Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course, Knoxville, TN. ⛓ Hole 4. Kastaplast Reko. #frisbeesport #discgolflove #kastaplast.

You gotta watch your holes on the disc golf course.👂🏼#mvpdiscsports #detour #discgolf #frisbeegolf

You got ta watch your openings on the disc golf links. Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Course, Knoxville, TN. ⛓ Hole 4. MVP Detour. #frisbeesport #frolf #discgolfnation.

When you said there’s no line, but you make it to the basket anyway! 💥 #discgolf #playdiscgolf

When you claimed there’s no line, however you make it to the basket anyway!. Sugar Hollow Disc Golf Course, Bristol, VA. ⛓ Hole 11. #discgolfshorts #frolf #frisbeesport.

Quietly waiting to putt. 🤣 #putting #discgolffails #discgolf #frisbee #discgolfshorts #frolf #funny

Quietly waiting to putt. Kiwanis Disc Golf Course, Morristown, TN. ⛓ Hole 14. #frisbeesport #discgolflove #discgolfon.

Putting be like that some days. #discgolfshorts #discgolfing #putting #discgolfeveryday #frolf

Putting resemble that some days. You simply got ta press via it. #discgolfdaily #discgolfhumor #frisbeegolf

When your disc decides it’s done. #discgolf #discgolfdaily #frolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfeveryday

When your disc determines it’s done. This was at Tommy Schumpert Disc Golf Links in Knoxville, TN. #discgolfhumor #discgolfnation #discgolfunited

When putting goes wrong in disc golf. #discgolfing #discgolfislife #frolf #discgolfdaily #discgolf

When placing fails in disc golf. This is simply an amusing video clip from us playing at Norris Disc Golf Program in Norris, TN. #discgolffails #failvideos #discgolfshorts

You CAN’T park there! #discgolf #discgolfdaily #frolf #frisbeegolf #discgolfeveryday #discgolfnation

You CAN’T park there! Sometimes in disc golf your disc ends up where you don’t desire it it. This went to Roane County Park DGC in Harriman, TN. #discgolfputt #discgolfhumor #discgolfnerd

When we met the ace wizard. 😜 #discgolf #frolf #discgolface #discgolfdaily #discgolfeveryday

Remember that once when we met the Ace Wizard in the timbers of Tommy Schumpert DGC? He magically helped Jonathan get an ace. #discgolfhumor #frisbeegolf #discgolfedit