Adam with a smooth Rexo X drive parking the basket.🅿️ #discgolf #discgolfshort #playdiscgolf #frolf

Adam with a smooth Rexo X drive car park the basket. Mossy Creek Disc Golf Course, Jefferson City, TN. ⛓ Hole 13. Kastaplast Reko X. #frisbeesport #kastaplast #discgolfing.

Are you throwing a forehand or backhand turnover? #discgolf #discgolfshorts #discgolfdaily #frolf

Hole 17 at Mossy Creek Disc Fairway in Jefferson City, TN is an enjoyable one that calls for a forehand or a backhand turnover. Oh, and missing out on trees. #frisbeegolfing #discgolfeveryday #discgolfnerd