High and Hooah and also all of it’s video clips are constantly only meant for individuals over the age of 18. Invite to the network and also thanks for being below.
I am an expert of the U.S. Army Infantry that deployed to Afghanistan as well as received a respectable discharge. From my time in, I received numerous physical injuries, was identified with serious mental disorder and also PTSD.
Now I am fully handicapped and also getting aid from the Veterans Affairs. After a long battle with medication and also alcohol addiction attempting to treat my discomfort as well as ptsd. I can proudly state I am tidy and only making use of cannabis as my medicine..
I live the #nomadlife design and also delight in vlogging my adventures. #carlife.
The most significant way you can support the channel is to watch the videos, like, comment & share it out … please and thanks.
If anyone would love to contribute to the channel fund for things like car parking, coffee as well as gas … anything is significantly appreciated.