I Have a Tech Disc for 5 Days! Episode 1 – Discovering Baselines

I Have a Tech Disc for 5 Days! Episode 1 - Discovering Baselines

I have a Tech Disc for 5 days! One of my disc golf close friends – Austin Jordon – allow me obtain their Tech Disc from Monday until Friday, so I’ll be utilizing it each day. Right here’s a break down of the day 1 numbers. These are just standards.

38 Backhand tosses:
47.29 (mph) maximum speed
927.61 (rpm) maximum spin
3.41 minimum nose angle
4.37 minimal wobble angle

Disclaimer: I simply threw into the net, not fret regarding anything aside from effectively tossing the disc. I went standstill backhand first, then 3-step walk-up, and a couple of routine walk-ups at the end.

Austin Jordan affiliate link: https://bit.ly/3RPtfXw
Austin Jordan Fitness: https://www.instagram.com/austinjordan_fitness/

GoSports Pro 7×7 unboxing video clip: https://youtu.be/6E7vm_T0brM

Day 2: https://youtu.be/982bjsP26aM

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#DiscGolf #TechDisc #FrisbeeGolf #Duel #FlyingDisc #Frolf

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